Parish Office - 08 8297 8699

St Francis Anglican Focus on Dementia

It is hard to imagine something that fills people with more dread than the thought of losing their memories or forgetting the people closest to them. Saint Francis Anglican is working to dispel some of this darkness by looking at how we can minimise dementia risk and symptoms. Dementia is NOT a normal part of ageing and you don't have to go through it alone. There ARE things you can do to help minimise your risk of experiencing cognitive decline, or to minimise symptoms if you already have a diagnosis. We are a learning community - not experts - in this area, and we are coming together to support one another and anyone in the community who would like to join us in this exciting new program. We are working our way to becoming a Dementia Friendly Church in the hopes that we can inspire others to form a Dementia Friendly Society. It takes all of us in this fight for awareness, against stigma and holding space for one another. We believe that the fulness of life that Christ promised comes in wholeness - heart, soul, mind, strength - and in supporting one another in community - and it is in this ethos that our program has taken shape. We are open to all - please drop in and visit during program times and see how it fits for you.

Questions or Bookings - Contact Us

8297 8699 (leave a message)

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Thank you for contacting us - we will respond as soon as possible

Forget-Me-Knot Connection - It Takes a Village

June 29, 2023

It Takes a Village

Whilst researching for ‘The Forget Me Knot Connection’ I realised that the more I learned the more there is to learn about dementia, dementia care and dementia “prevention”. Ironically, one of the best ways of slowing cognitive decline is ‘lifelong learning’ which means that I have plen...
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